Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Yep I'm Doing It. I'm Dabbling in Crypto and its Actually a lot of Fun Doing It. Don't Be Afraid!

Your time is money. For all you guys and gals who have metal detecting channels hoping to monetize your videos to earn a few dollars but YouTube swooped in and put the screws to your channel because you didn't have 1000 subscribers or 4000 hours of viewing time... there are other platforms out there similar to YouTube, Facebook, Instagram etc. I've been trying some of them out. Here is my honest review and you might be surprised at the results. I know I was.

Recently I've been curious about other ways to make money on the Internet. With all the garbage going on with YouTube crushing the little channels who are trying to make a dollar or 2, I decided to look elsewhere for other opportunities and that's when I stumbled into Bitcoin but specifically the Blockchain.

Whats Inside?
At first, I was baffled and confused but when I started looking more into it, I started to see that there are other platforms out there similar to facebook, (Steemit), YouTube (DTube), YouTube Live (DLive), Instagram (Steepshot) and so on. All of which use the Blockchain which is like an open ledger and fully transparent to anyone wanting to see the transactions. In fact, you can see my account balance right now by looking at my Steemit account. Do you need to invest any money to get started? Nope. In fact, I've been using Steemit, Dtube, and Steepshot now for over 2 months and my account has grown to over $200 as of July 31st and depending on the price of Steem and all I've invested is $40 just to see if I could make a transaction to purchase Steem (the crypto currency) and I could!

Getting my account set up took a little time and I'll admit was a little frustrating. You will need to get a Steemit account first which can take up to 3 weeks to get approved. Once you get your account don't rush into posting right away take some time and look up articles on how to do your first post on Steemit. Its called your #introduceyourself post and you want to do it right and get the attention of the "Whales". Whales hold the most influence and value on the platform. In addition, they could possibly throw some money your way and that's how it really works. Your goal is not to get as many views as possible but getting other Steemians to up-vote your content and when they do you'll make a little bit of money (aka crypto) and you should do the same to other Steemians who post content that you like. Its a community thing!

Starting out, your influence score on the Steemit platform will be small starting out at just 25 but overtime and if you create good content, your influence will grow. After a couple of months I've been able to raise my score to 55. Overtime (hopefully) your followers will grow and so should your wallet. I personally haven't made a lot on Steemit. However, one of my goals has always been to become a better writer and the process of writing and curating content on Steemit has certainly helped me get better (at least I hope so).

Currently, I'm making the most crypto off of DTube. I like creating videos and uploading them to both YouTube and DTube. Typically, I'll upload my videos to DTube first and let them run for 3-5 days before I upload them to YouTube. You can't forget about your subscribers on YouTube! Plus, most of my subscribers just aren't ready for something new like DTube. But I see improvements all the time. Either way, I don't mind uploading to 2 similar platforms. They both have their pluses and minus so it all balances out.  Luckily for me, I've captured the attention of the DTube Whales and they have been up-voting my videos and throwing anywhere from $20-50 Steem my way. Have I made that much crypto on all of my videos? The answer is absolutely not. But from the 15 videos I have uploaded to DTube, 10 have made $20 or more. If you don't believe me take a look at my account on DTube. Compare those numbers to what I made last month on YouTube which was around $20 for the entire month. Which platform is the better deal? I think its pretty obvious.

I guess all I'm trying to say is why not give other platforms a look? We get so wrapped around the big platforms and they don't pay out anything so what do you have to lose? When was the last time you made any money from posting a photo to Facebook or got paid something for curating content on someone's post? On the Blockchain, at least you have chance to make something in return for your time and energy and that's why I'm giving them a chance. Will it all come crashing down in the future? Is crypto here to stay? I don't know, I'm not dumping my retirement into it so who cares? Besides, I'm learning a lot about crypto, having fun doing it, and making a money at the same time so why not?

Hopefully I didn't bore you to death. I'm trying to convince some of my friends and channel owners to come on over and try some of these platforms on the Blockchain. I've had a few ups and downs starting out but my overall experience has been positive. Plus, its nice to see a little crypto coming in from the time and energy I put into creating my content.

Thanks for your time. Let me know what you think of this post. -MM314

Learn About Crypto Currency Now

1 comment:

  1. Good article thanks for the info, I'll be sure to check it out.


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